The Gold Standard for Accurate Parasitic Extraction and Signal Integrity Solutions



OEA International Ports Latest Version of NET-AN to Microsoft Windows Platform

Morgan Hill, California - October 12, 2004. OEA International, Inc. (OEA) today announced that it has successfully ported latest version of its most popular multi-net 3D IC net extraction software NET-AN™ to Microsoft Windows operating systems.  With the addition of the Microsoft Windows port customers can have excellent performance and the added flexibility on running the OEA products on a wider range on platforms within their company. 

“Many of our customers can now take advantage of the low cost Windows workstations, its processing capabilities and reliability,” said Jerry Tallinger, VP of Marketing & Sales at OEA. “Many of the next-generation ICs will be developed using EDA tools running on Microsoft Windows. Quick and easy access to our design software gives developers a head start in their designs. This reiterates our commitment to provide customers with both a cost and time-to-market advantage.“

NET-AN software runs on major operating systems, including Windows XP, Windows 2000, Sun Solaris, HP-UX, and Red Hat Linux.

About OEA International

OEA International, Inc. was formed in 1988 to address demanding IC extraction problems.  The company has secured the extraction accuracy leadership role by working closely with major IC and system companies using the most modern process technologies available.  Through these relationships, the company has applied it 3D extraction expertise to provide a family of critical net design tools, signal integrity analysis tools, and RF component design tools.

RF/analog designers also have available RF-PASS[TM], a passive component analysis tool which ensures the most accurate models for on-chip resistors, capacitors, coil transformers and wind up/down inductors. For additional information call (408) 778-6747, or visit OEA online at .

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