Capabilities and Improves Ease of Use
Morgan Hill, California -
May 13, 2003. OEA International, Inc. announces major update to its popular
SPIRALTM, a specialized 3D inductor design toolset for
synthesizing embedded spiral inductors in analog and RF chips, hybrids, MCMs,
and PCBs. SPIRAL can be used in batch, as a stand alone UNIX GUI or
seamlessly from within the Cadence DFII environment. If SPIRAL is used from
within the Cadence Design Framework it automatically generates layout,
schematic and symbol views for the user. SPIRAL results have proven to be
highly accurate for the processes tried to date, for many of the common
foundry processes validation data may exist and be available for perusal by
end users.
The new SPIRAL features
A refined substrate modeling capability
that improves both accuracy and performance. The substrate model can now
handle almost any level of complexity within the substrate including,
epitaxial layers, implants, silicon, GaAs, InP, silicon on insulator and
more. Prediction of resonance frequency and losses in the substrate due
to displacement and eddy currents has been greatly improved.
Support for any number of parallel metal
layers in the winding or cross-under. This allows users to reduce series
resistance and improve Q. This feature is especially useful when using
the inductors at lower frequencies. Alternatively, in some cases, this
feature has allowed designs to opt for a cheaper digital version of a
process instead of a more costly RF process that includes thick metal
Automatic generation of patterned ground
shields (PGS). SPIRAL will synthesize inductors with PGS. In some cases
Q can be improved by 30% with the proper use of PGS. Since a PGS is not
always a beneficial SPIRAL warns the user if the PGS is being used
a few minutes of using SPIRAL replaces what would otherwise have been days
or weeks of effort by a person skilled in the use of electromagnetic
simulation software," said Haris Basit, Vice President of Business
Development at OEA International, Inc. "The additional capabilities are
specifically in areas that our customers have requested. "
OEA's flagship inductor
modeling software SPIRAL allows designers to automatically and quickly
synthesize, analyze, and optimize a wide range of inductors, including
symmetric inductors, by providing a simple set of specifications. In a
matter of minutes SPIRAL can find and synthesize an inductor optimally
suited to the users' circuit requirements. In most modes SPIRAL is highly
automated and generates all of the items the user needs. This includes
layout in GDS2 format; S-Parameters; Y-Parameters; Z-Parameters; inductance,
resistance and quality factor versus frequency plots; and compact spice
SPIRAL is available now, starting at $75,000 per license.
About OEA International
OEA International, Inc.
was formed in 1988 to address demanding IC extraction problems. The company
has secured the extraction accuracy leadership role by working closely with
major IC and system companies using the most modern process technologies
available. Through these relationships, the company has applied it 3D
extraction expertise to provide a family of critical net design tools,
signal integrity analysis tools, and RF component design tools.
RF/analog designers use
RF-PASSTM, a passive component analysis tool to ensure the most
accurate values for on-chip resistors, capacitors, transformers and baluns.
SPIRALTM, a spiral inductor synthesis tool automatically delivers
a complete physical layout and models for inductive components. For
additional information call (408) 778-6747, or visit OEA online at
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