The Gold Standard for Accurate Parasitic Extraction and Signal Integrity Solutions



OEA International, Inc.'s EDA Software is Licensed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. Worldwide

Morgan Hill, California - January 7, 2003.  OEA International announces a long-term license agreement with Sun Microsystems, Inc. that provides Sun with worldwide access to OEA's electronic design automation (EDA) software products.  OEA software is designed for high accuracy 3D extraction, planning and signal integrity of on-chip and package interconnect.  OEA products have lead the industry in supporting the complexities of DSM and nanometer technologies with, for example, on-chip inductance support in 1993.

"Timing for certain sets of critical nets demand the accuracy that OEA provides", said Ron Melanson, Vice President of Engineering at Sun Microsystems, Inc. "Since the late eighties, Sun Microsystems has used OEA's products to extract accurate parasitics for calculating interconnect delays and clock skews."

"Sun has been a major OEA customer that works closely with us to enhance the software for performance and to optimize the features that enable the software to handle the latest technology and advanced design problems," said Jerry Tallinger, VP, Marketing and Sales at OEA International, Inc.  "This deal demonstrates Sun's confidence in OEA's ability to lead the way in providing the next generation solutions for Sun."

OEA currently has eleven product offerings based on OEA's proprietary fast 3D field solver technology. They cover a wide breadth of design planning, extraction, and signal integrity applications including: critical net planning, post-layout extraction; power distribution network planning and post-layout IR drop and electromigration analysis: package analysis; and RF component synthesis, design, and analysis.

About OEA International

OEA International, Inc. is the industry leader in 3D extraction of interconnects. OEA's tools are currently used in the most demanding extraction and design environments.  Some of the world's most advanced design facilities use OEA tools for detailed analysis and design of high-speed clocks, buses, I/O rings, power grids, and synthesis of RF passive components.  For additional information call (408) 778-6747, or visit OEA online at


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